- 2013.6.16
宮城県の南にある角田市で復興コンサートが行われました。角田は内陸部なので直接的な津波被害はありませんが、町なかでは住宅被害で取り壊され、更地になっている所もそこかしこにあります。 今日の会場の喜松院周辺は水田と里山に囲まれた緑ゆたかな地区です。山ひとつ越えると亘理・山元地区なので、喜松院の檀家さんにはご親戚や身近な方を津波で亡くされた方も多く、また、沿岸部から角田へ移転してきた方もいらっしゃるそうです。
On 16 June, 2013, we organized a concert at Kisho-in Temple in Kakuda. The inland area of Kakuda, in the southern part of the Miyagi prefecture, wasn’t damaged by the tsunami, but when one crosses a single mountain to the Watari / Yamamoto district (a coastal area), one may see why there are people who have been relocated from the coastal area to Kakuda. Amongst the patrons of this temple, many have lost people close to themselves by the tsunami.
Mr. Murakami, the chief priest of Kisho-in, was worried th at classical music might not be appreciated at so deep in the countryside, but the audience really enjoyed sitting on a tatami mat and listening to the music: a feeling of intimacy arose and some people started to sing.