


宮城野区被災者交流支援事業 ≪仙台フィルとうたう「花は咲く」合唱団プロジェクト≫


IMG_20131209_111133練習後はいつものお茶飲み会。きょうは自慢の漬物と庭で採れたかぼちゃの煮物に加え、お手製のカップケーキなどがテーブルに並びました。漬物の白菜は仙台市立吉成小学校の児童が作って届けてくれたのだそうです。みずみずしくて甘い白菜でした。ごちそうさまです。また、その子たちが牛乳パックを利用して作ったランタンもありました。暗くなると自動的に明かりが灯るしくみになっていて、クリスマス前の「みんなの家」に彩りを添えているのだそうです。吉成1 吉成6吉成小の子たちがここを訪問するのは3度目になるそうで、「みんなめんこいんだぁ」とその時の様子を目を細めて話してくださいました。


The Miyagino Ward of Sendai and we, as part of larger venture that supports interaction with and between victims of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, have begun the “Chorus Group Project: Sing ‘Flowers Will Bloom’ with the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra”.
The plan is to form a chorus that will be made up of people over sixty years of age and who live within the area that was inundated by the tsunami or in temporary housing in Miyagino Ward. In April of next year, on the Miyagino Ward Cultural Center Stage, they will perform along with the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra. Under the direction of a professional soprano singer, they will meet once a month to practice.

Some people have said, with smiles on their faces, “Because you (the instructor)were to come, we’ve dressed up.” They seem to look forward to the practice sessions, which take place once a month. Both the singing coach and the accompanist blend right in, as if they were relatives. With people in their twenties to people in their eighties singing together, one can really feel the power of song to bridge generations.
At the tea time after practice, not only Japanese pickles and cooked homemade pumpkins, we had handmade cupcakes as the Christmas was approaching.  The Chinese cabbage used in the pickles was grown by the kids from Yoshinari Elementary School. There were also lanterns they made with milk carton, which illuminates Home-for-All at night. They have visited here several times and elderly people said to us “they are so cute!” with smiles on their faces.