


宮城野区被災者交流支援事業 ≪仙台フィルとうたう「花は咲く」合唱団プロジェクト≫

いつもは高砂市民センターで練習するみなさんが今日は宮城野区文化センターに集合しました。会館のご厚意で、本番会場のパトナホールを練習にお借りすることができたのです。どうもありがとうございます。IMG_20131211_103439 IMG_20131211_103936
「手元の楽譜を見ないで歌いましょう」という齋藤翠さんの指導に「ええーっ!」と最初は大騒ぎしていたみなさんですが、果敢に挑戦し、顔を上げて歌っていました。IMG_20131211_111109 IMG_20131211_112544


The Miyagino Ward of Sendai and we, as part of larger venture that supports interaction with and between victims of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, have begun the “Chorus Group Project: Sing ‘Flowers Will Bloom’ with the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra”.
The plan is to form a chorus that will be made up of people over sixty years of age and who live within the area that was inundated by the tsunami or in temporary housing in Miyagino Ward. In April of next year, on the Miyagino Ward Cultural Center Stage, they will perform along with the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra. Under the direction of a professional soprano singer, they will meet once a month to practice.
Today we practiced in an actual hall. However, as soon as we entered the hall, upon seeing the high ceiling and spacious seating, some were overwhelmed and at a loss for words, while many others got worried, asking “Are we really going to sing here?” Nevertheless, we stretched out and warmed up our voices as we always do, and while everyone became focused on practice, their faces came alive. Has a fighting spirit been born, one that says “We are going to perform here!”
Because it was 11th of the month – the day on which, every month, many people commemorate those who lost their lives in the March 11th disaster – we had some people take the day off from practice. Onstage they definitely had mixed emotions. Praying, singing, living. We hope their singing will become a way to support themselves and others.