- 2013.4.26
最後にみんなで「夕焼け小焼け」を歌ったとき、それまでの賑やかさから一転、目を閉じて聴き入る方や涙を流す方もいらっしゃいました。「クラシック音楽は難しいと思っていたけれど、今日は楽しかった。また来てください」とのお声を頂戴しました。On April 26, 2013, we organized a Concert for Recovery at the community hall in Tsurumaki 1-chome Higashi Park Temporary Housing Area in Miyagino, Sendai. At the entrance there is a big sign which reads: “Nishihara Community Hall”. Although the previous community hall was washed away, the sign was found later and put up again. At the “music instrument experience corner”, the president of the neighborhood association tried the cello, cheered on by the audience. At the end of the concert, everybody together sang a traditional Japanese children’s song, “Yuyake Koyake (Let’s go home in a sunset glow)”. In contrast to the liveliness preceding this, some listened quietly, while others were in tears. We received the following comment: “I thought classical music was difficult to understand, but I simply enjoyed it”.