


DSCF9709 今朝は、仙台オペラ協会のソプラノ歌手・齋藤翠さんを講師に迎えて初練習を行いました。参加者のみなさんはとても積極的で、発声や発音のコツを聞くと「あ~なるほどねえ」と感心しつつさっそく試していました。大きな声で歌うにつれてみなさんの表情が生き生きしてくるのが見て取れました。DSCF9713


In April 2013, a Concert for Recovery was held at the temporary housing area in Fukudamachi-minami, in the Miyagino Ward of Sendai. It has been announced that this fall, senior citizens volunteering here will form a chorus at a Senior Assisted Living Facility in the same ward. To support the choral group, we will visit them once a month to conduct practice.
This morning, soprano, Midori Saito, led the first practice. One could see the vivid expressions upon the participants’ faces, as they sang with enthusiasm. After practice, everyone enjoyed tea and Japanese pickles made from vegetables picked from the field right in front of the meeting place.