



 IMG_20131114_135738 IMG_20131114_141122今日は仙台フィルハーモニー管弦楽団メンバーによる弦楽四重奏です。ヴァイオリン宮﨑博さんと山本高史さん、ヴィオラ長谷川基さん、チェロ石井忠彦さんが登場しました。エルガーやモーツァルトなどクラシックの名曲に加え、「ムーン・リヴァ―」「ニュー・シネマ・パラダイス」などの映画音楽、ジョン・レノン「ハッピー・クリスマス」が演奏され、約200名の参加者はじっくりと聴き入っていました。IMG_20131114_135010

The district welfare officer is someone who gives advice to people in the area who have problems, and fulfills the role of connecting public administration with citizens looking to receive welfare assistance in response to their circumstances. In regards to district welfare officers within Sendai, we have heard that many, despite being themselves victims of the disaster, prioritize activities on behalf of citizens of the region, and that the difficult work they have done since the disaster has left an increasing number exhausted in mind and body. Workshops are being held throughout the entire city on the theme of “Caring for Welfare Officers’ Welfare”. We will put on a concert in an attempt to calm their troubled hearts. These workshops will be held throughout October and November, broken up into seven events.
Today, Sendai Philhamonic Orchestra String Quartet (violin: Hiroshi Miyazaki & Takahito Yamamoto, Viola: Motoi Hasegawa, cello: Tadahiko Ishii) performed.