- 2013.12.3
宮城野区被災者交流支援事業 ≪仙台フィルとうたう「花は咲く」合唱団プロジェクト≫
The Miyagino Ward of Sendai and we, as part of larger venture that supports interaction with and between victims of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, have begun the “Chorus Group Project: Sing ‘Flowers Will Bloom’ with the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra”.
The plan is to form a chorus that will be made up of people over sixty years of age and who live within the area that was inundated by the tsunami or in temporary housing in Miyagino Ward. In April of next year, on the Miyagino Ward Cultural Center Stage, they will perform along with the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra. Under the direction of a professional soprano singer, they will meet once a month to practice.
Today we practised expressing the meaning and nuance of words through songs. As we sang we paid close attention to the difference in the sound of consonants, such as “k” which is soft and “h” which is clear and bold.
During the break one person said, “living in temporary housing we can’t sing because it would bother our neighbours”. Although this choral practice is only held once a month, we hope people can let off steam here.